Packaging & the Environment
You will certainly know that box board is a natural material made from wood pulp, and that it
can be widely recycled. It will be one of the reasons why you chose board rather than, say, plastic.
However, if you would like to push your environmental credentials even further, have you
considered the benefit of incorporating the FSC® logo on to the carton of your product? We are
members of an FSC® Chain of Custody Group (FSC-C004309, INT-COC-807273-DB).
By showing the FSC® logo as part of your printed packaging design, you are telling your
clients that you have considered the environmental impact of the packaging – and ensured that
the material used has come from a well-managed source.
Why not speak to us about your project…We can guide you through the rules and then
produce your top quality folded cartons for you.
FSC® certified cartons are available only by request.